Lecture on the topic ZERO WASTE IN CONSTRUCTION as part of the DAS GRAMM AKADEMIE with Petra Kickenweitz, Anita Kavazovic, Verena Kassar

Particularly the waste generated directly in the construction process, small waste and packaging materials are largely not disposed of in an appropriately sorted manner. One of the main reasons for this is that there is no legal requirement for a waste management system on construction sites or in the course of setting up a construction site. Also the municipalities do not demand and provide a waste system at construction sites.

What measures would be necessary, from active educational work to legal requirements? How can waste separation and waste avoidance on the construction site be implemented and optimized in the construction process? What role can waste recycling and the zero-waste idea play in the planning process in the future?

The symposium tries to connect all actors involved in the construction process (builders, clients, planners, architects, master builders, construction companies, developers, product manufacturers, building authorities, etc.) in order to achieve a sustainable implementation.


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