GreenDIVAN is competition winner: Exhibition at STADTGRÜN WIEN

Even before you can enjoy the cooling shade of the GreenDIVAN, there was an exhibition of the EU-wide competition STADTGRÜN WIEN on the street fronts of the Planungswerkstatt Wien.

"Together with SPÖ Klubobmann Joe Taucher, Dienststellenleiter Thomas Keller, Dienststellenleiter Franz Kobermaier and the winners* of the competitions, Planungsstadträtin Ulli Sima opened the exhibition and expressed her enthusiasm for the projects." ( | Image: ©PID/Christian Fürthner)


Dialogue with Nowa Frauen*Salon


Lange Nacht der Forschung: ZELLE | ParZELLE: The [in]visible manifestations of the fence